Experience !!

Last 3 Months

Moved jobs. Moved places. Moved moments. Moved circumstances. Moved my heart.


says-phoebe-17jan2006-morro-bay-marina_1625_1643crop (Photo credit: mikebaird)

Movement. Is it so relevant? The word did not play much role in my life. At least, i did not let it. I love change in the right sense. Change which changes me is not the right change. Change which enhances me is the right change. Moving away is compromise I feel. You always feel that if you change places, you forget everything that has happened in the past (cherish the good  moments and forget the bad ones…in fact you move to forget the bad ones in the first place!). Nah! You are running away from something. You just don’t want to accept it. 

Move on dude! Move on man! Stop it! It’s a belief that everybody can move on. Yes, we do move on! But that doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want or exploit the present situation to the fullest so as to make it one of the worst situation in the past in someone’s life!

Everybody is ready to give gyaan! No! I don’t want your blabbering! I already know all of it! It’s just that i cannot  apply it to myself. If given a chance, i can give you all the fundamentals i have ever heard or learnt in my life to make you unconscious! So chill boy/girl! I know you are concerned about me. Then console me! But don’t spam my brain with stuff that i already know!

The pain will subside but the scars will remain!(Courtesy Someone) Wow! Enough of these sayings! These sayings irritate me! I have crossed a point of accepting irritable sayings said by many.

In the Last 3 Months, i have not published a single post on my blog. Why? Let me tell you the truth, my dear friends (i wonder how many are still my friends!!!), I was wondering why i moved, why i moved on and am still moving on!! Moving on = Compromise. So don’t let those buggers and buggesses (thought that is the feminine version of buggers) eat you up and ask you to move on. Be yourself. Let you be you. Let me be me.

I hope the last 3 months will not be my Next 3 Months (nice title for my next post). Screw your moving on boys and girls. I would never want to move on your style. Yuck! I have my own version of moving on. And i will define it. Wait for it until next time!!!

And by the way, get ready to regret what you have done. This ain’t revenge.


Signing off…..

