

[picapp align=”left” wrap=”false” link=”term=Steam+Engine&iid=3182041″ src=”e/4/0/a/NarrowGauge_Steam_Trainset_3af2.jpg?adImageId=12528009&imageId=3182041″ width=”234″ height=”156″ /]

I was engulfed in her warm hug. Exactly which was required in that cold weather. She did not want to rest her head on my shoulder but rather insisted on gazing into my eyes, so that she could be lost in the world of the unseen love. She was of perfect height, just enough to kiss her softly on her lips without much effort on my side. But, whenever i made an attempt, a soft slim tender forefinger would stop my lips midway accompanied by a sweet voice saying, “Not yet!!!”

I could hear the whistle far away followed by the chugging. The mechanical sounds were fast approaching us. The dry maples leaves during that season were gliding pleasantly through the breeze, as if they were watching us happily. The feeling was unexplainable and heavenly. Here was the girl of my dreams in my arms and nature instigating us to be together forever. In fact, it seemed like the Gods above wanted us to be together forever.

The sounds got closer and closer. I could see the smoke around the corner of trees. And then, approached the steam chugger towards the platform, puffing at full pace, blowing its numbing whistle.

“Now!”, shouted my girl. I held her gently behind the head and pulled her towards me, making the needed come into contact.

Everything slowed down. The train seemed like it was advancing at a snail’s pace, the maple leaves stood mid-air where they were. not a soul around the area or on the platform. I only felt the wind trying hard to gush between us, but finding it rather tough, took the way round us. It was all heavenly.

My girl just wished that i kiss her when the steam train approaches us the way it did and no one was around.

People in love sure do have weird wishes, but ain’t they romantic?????


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